What questions will I need to answer to apply for the role?

    You can fill our application form at the bottom of this page. There will be three questions for you to answer: 

    1. Please briefly summarise how you meet the criteria outlined as essential and give examples.
    2. Can you demonstrate how you meet the associated competency/behaviour framework and settle values? These are outlined on page 3 and 4 on the recruitment pack.
    3. Please tell us what you understand of the governance role and any experience you have in this area. 
    4. If you have any knowledge/experience relating to the Desirable criteria (Business, Housing, Property and Development, Finance, Audit and Regulatory, Customers and Communities) please briefly explain. 

    We recommend you answer the questions on a separate document and then copy and paste them in the form below so you have the time to think about them. 

    How will my personal data be used if I apply for the role?

    In line with GDPR, we ask that you do NOT send us any information that can identify children or any of your Sensitive Personal Data (racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, data concerning health or sex life and sexual orientation, genetic and/or biometric data) in your application documentation.

    Following this notice, any inclusion of your Sensitive Personal Data in your application documentation will be understood by us as your express consent to process this information going forward. Please also remember to not mention anyone’s information or details (e.g. referees) who have not previously agreed to their inclusion.

    What can I do if I am unable to access the documents or fill the application form?

    We are committed to ensuring everyone can access our website and application processes. This includes people with sight loss, hearing, mobility and cognitive impairments. Should you require access to these documents in alternative formats, please call us on 0330 343 0016 or you can send an email to engagement@settlegroup.org.uk

    Also, if you have any comments and/or suggestions about improving access to our application processes please don’t hesitate to contact us at engagement@settlegroup.org.uk 

    What happens after you have shortlisted applicants?

    We will invite the shortlisted applicants to an online interview. This will be with members of the executive and leadership team at settle. 

    When will I hear back if I've been invited to interview?

    We will reach out to all applicants in the week commencing 17 June 2024 to let them know if they have been successful in reaching the interview stage. 

    How do you ensure equality of opportunity in the recruitment process?

    All candidates are also requested to complete an online Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form which will be found at the end of the application process. This will assist settle in monitoring selection decisions to assess whether equality of opportunity is being achieved. Any information collated from the Equal Opportunities. Monitoring Forms will not be used as part of the selection process and will be treated as strictly confidential.

    How is Tpas involved in the recruitment?

    Tpasthe tenant engagement experts, are supporting this recruitment by providing external advice and guidance to ensure we maximise the opportunity to reach all  residents and encourage applications. They are also providing an independent view on shortlisting and interview to ensure the process is fair and robust.

    What support and training opportunity will I receive if I'm successful?

    Tpas will organise training and mentoring with the successful applicant to ensure they have the skills and confidence required to fulfill their role to the best of their abilities. At settle, we will also work with you if there are any areas you would like to learn about. 

    What will the commitment be like if I'm successful?

    You will be required to attend all the Operations Committee meetings which typically take place quarterly, on the third Tuesday between 4 – 6pm. 

    You will also need to have digital access as some meetings take place online.