Complaints handling review

Thank you for joining us!

We want all settle residents to be able to say, ‘I felt confident to speak up’, ‘Making my complaint was simple’ and ‘I felt listened to and understood’.

In March, we reached out to residents who had raised a complaint in the past year. Your feedback proved invaluable, providing insight into expectations regarding our complaint handling process. This transparency also enabled us to address any shortcomings in meeting the requirements outlined by the Housing Ombudsman's complaint handling code.

What we heard

Areas for improvement:

• Improving the accessibility of our complaints procedure.

• Ensuring timely appointments and minimising delays.

• Clearly communicating complaint outcomes and following through on agreed actions.

• Providing a dedicated point of contact and maintaining regular updates until resolutions are achieved.

What we've done in response to your feedback

We've revised our complaints policy and procedures, promising to make service enhancements based on residents' input. Moreover, we've significantly improved the information provided on our website.

All our revised policies are now available to view.

A further thank you!

We want to express a massive thank you to all our residents who participated in the surveys. We couldn't make these improvements without your valuable input!

In this video, Amanda, assistant director of customer experience shares why we asked you to be a part of our complaint handling review.

Thank you for joining us!

We want all settle residents to be able to say, ‘I felt confident to speak up’, ‘Making my complaint was simple’ and ‘I felt listened to and understood’.

In March, we reached out to residents who had raised a complaint in the past year. Your feedback proved invaluable, providing insight into expectations regarding our complaint handling process. This transparency also enabled us to address any shortcomings in meeting the requirements outlined by the Housing Ombudsman's complaint handling code.

What we heard

Areas for improvement:

• Improving the accessibility of our complaints procedure.

• Ensuring timely appointments and minimising delays.

• Clearly communicating complaint outcomes and following through on agreed actions.

• Providing a dedicated point of contact and maintaining regular updates until resolutions are achieved.

What we've done in response to your feedback

We've revised our complaints policy and procedures, promising to make service enhancements based on residents' input. Moreover, we've significantly improved the information provided on our website.

All our revised policies are now available to view.

A further thank you!

We want to express a massive thank you to all our residents who participated in the surveys. We couldn't make these improvements without your valuable input!

In this video, Amanda, assistant director of customer experience shares why we asked you to be a part of our complaint handling review.

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Page last updated: 07 May 2024, 11:53 AM