Neighbourhood Plans page

A Neighbourhood Plan is a strategy led by residents that outlines key improvements and priorities for making communities safer, more welcoming, and a happier place to live.

In order to support our 2030 plan, we are currently developing Neighbourhood Plans for our three largest communities Jackmans, The Grange and Westmill with other Neighbourhood Plans to follow.

Our 2030 plan has been developed by feedback from residents, colleagues, and local partners with priorities and commitments shaped by what we know is important to you and your community. Neighbourhood Plans empower you to have a say in how we deliver the 2030 vision in your area.

We believe that working together with residents and community partners can create real opportunities for positive change in your neighbourhood.

How will the Neighbourhood Plans benefit you?

  • Active presence in the community: We are committed to being visible and engaged in your neighbourhood. Neighbourhood Plans will help us achieve this.
  • Welcoming and inclusive neighbourhoods: We aim to create spaces where everyone feels at home and proud of where they live.
  • Strong partnerships: We will build strong relationships with residents and local organisations to provide services that meet the specific needs of your community.
  • Opportunities for all residents: Your voice is important, and we encourage you to get involved at any stage. This helps ensure that your concerns and ideas are considered throughout the planning process.

Why is your involvement important?

We are relentlessly resident focused. Your feedback ensures that Neighbourhood Plans focus on what matters most to you and your community, and helps us prioritise our resources to make sure we are meeting your needs.

We need your input to confirm if the proposed plans are heading in the right direction and to share what else you’d like to see in your neighbourhood. Your feedback will help us create Neighbourhood Commitments.

What are Neighbourhood Commitments?

Each Neighbourhood Plan will include several commitments based on key objectives and what matters most to residents. When common themes appear in different areas, we will incorporate them into our commitments to make sure we are making informed decisions and using resources efficiently.

Why are the commitments important?

The commitments help us focus on long-term goals that allow us to continue delivering on our social purpose. By addressing key issues in each neighbourhood, we can allocate resources effectively and partner with local organisations to get the best results for residents.

What changes can you expect?

Through our partnerships and resident collaboration, you can expect:

  • Improved community spaces
  • Expanded local services
  • Targeted employment support
  • Initiatives to make your neighbourhood more sustainable
  • A more visible and engaged presence from our team

These improvements will be tailored to the specific needs of each neighbourhood, with a focus on what residents identify as their top priorities.

What if I don't live in one of these bigger neighbourhoods?

We are currently developing Neighbourhood Plans for our three largest communities, Jackmans, The Grange and Westmill, with the aim of creating tailored plans for other communities in the near future.

A Neighbourhood Plan is a strategy led by residents that outlines key improvements and priorities for making communities safer, more welcoming, and a happier place to live.

In order to support our 2030 plan, we are currently developing Neighbourhood Plans for our three largest communities Jackmans, The Grange and Westmill with other Neighbourhood Plans to follow.

Our 2030 plan has been developed by feedback from residents, colleagues, and local partners with priorities and commitments shaped by what we know is important to you and your community. Neighbourhood Plans empower you to have a say in how we deliver the 2030 vision in your area.

We believe that working together with residents and community partners can create real opportunities for positive change in your neighbourhood.

How will the Neighbourhood Plans benefit you?

  • Active presence in the community: We are committed to being visible and engaged in your neighbourhood. Neighbourhood Plans will help us achieve this.
  • Welcoming and inclusive neighbourhoods: We aim to create spaces where everyone feels at home and proud of where they live.
  • Strong partnerships: We will build strong relationships with residents and local organisations to provide services that meet the specific needs of your community.
  • Opportunities for all residents: Your voice is important, and we encourage you to get involved at any stage. This helps ensure that your concerns and ideas are considered throughout the planning process.

Why is your involvement important?

We are relentlessly resident focused. Your feedback ensures that Neighbourhood Plans focus on what matters most to you and your community, and helps us prioritise our resources to make sure we are meeting your needs.

We need your input to confirm if the proposed plans are heading in the right direction and to share what else you’d like to see in your neighbourhood. Your feedback will help us create Neighbourhood Commitments.

What are Neighbourhood Commitments?

Each Neighbourhood Plan will include several commitments based on key objectives and what matters most to residents. When common themes appear in different areas, we will incorporate them into our commitments to make sure we are making informed decisions and using resources efficiently.

Why are the commitments important?

The commitments help us focus on long-term goals that allow us to continue delivering on our social purpose. By addressing key issues in each neighbourhood, we can allocate resources effectively and partner with local organisations to get the best results for residents.

What changes can you expect?

Through our partnerships and resident collaboration, you can expect:

  • Improved community spaces
  • Expanded local services
  • Targeted employment support
  • Initiatives to make your neighbourhood more sustainable
  • A more visible and engaged presence from our team

These improvements will be tailored to the specific needs of each neighbourhood, with a focus on what residents identify as their top priorities.

What if I don't live in one of these bigger neighbourhoods?

We are currently developing Neighbourhood Plans for our three largest communities, Jackmans, The Grange and Westmill, with the aim of creating tailored plans for other communities in the near future.

Do you have any questions on the Neighbourhood Plans?

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  • When is Knebworth getting upgrades

    Kajjrb26 asked 13 days ago

    We are currently developing Neighbourhood Plans for our three largest communities, Jackmans, The Grange and Westmill, with the aim of creating tailored plans for other communities in the near future.

  • Why no plans for Westbury area?

    Sandra Wilkinson asked 13 days ago

    We are currently developing Neighbourhood Plans for our three largest communities, Jackmans, The Grange and Westmill, with the aim of creating tailored plans for other communities in the near future.

Page last updated: 17 Sep 2024, 12:29 PM