Policy Review FAQ's

    What is a policy review?

    A policy review is a systematic evaluation and assessment of existing policies to ensure they are effective, up-to-date, and aligned with current laws, regulations, and best practices. 

    The main objectives of a policy review are to:

    Assess Effectiveness: Determine whether the current policies are achieving the intended outcomes and meeting the needs of settle and our residents.

    Ensure Compliance: Verify that policies comply with relevant legislation, regulations, and standards - such as the Housing Act, equality and diversity requirements, and health and safety regulations.

    Update and Improve: Identify areas where policies may be outdated, ambiguous, or ineffective, and make necessary revisions to improve clarity, effectiveness, and relevance.

    Engage Stakeholders: Involve key stakeholders, including colleagues, residents, and external partners, in the review process to gather feedback and ensure policies reflect the needs and perspectives of those affected by them.

    Document Changes: Record any changes made to policies during the review, ensuring clear documentation and communication of new or revised policies to all relevant parties.

    By conducting regular policy reviews, settle can ensure they maintain high standards of service delivery, legal compliance, and resident satisfaction.